Cooling Towers are considered a vital element of the overall water-cooling system in power generation plants, as well as in process and petrochemical plants. The efficiency of cooling towers relies on the accurate and reliable information on the outdoor wet bulb temperature, required to avoid cooling tower increased water and energy usage and reduced lifetime of fans and pumps. Operations of cooling towers in general faces many safety and health challenges related to the use of water, which requires continuous control of corrosion rate and microbiological growth, the corresponding chemical and physical water treatments represent important element in the overall energy consumption.
Participants on the Cooling Towers training course will develop the following competencies:
Knowledge to perform effective inspection & preventive maintenance of equipment.
– Skill to perform RBI and FMEA for cooling towers, most modern and new techniques.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of total tuition hours:
Operation and Efficiency
Operation and Water Management
Water Treatment and Control
Maintenance, Repairs and Troubleshooting