The Seminar is presented in a clear and schematic way in seven modules:
Module 1. Introduction
Module 2. Chemical Hazard Communication
- Definition of a Chemical Hazard, Health Hazards, Exposure Limits, Toxicity Information, OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs),Signs and Labels, Hazard Rating Systems Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure.
Module 3. Protection Engineering Controls Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Module 4. OSHA’s Laboratory Standard
- The Purpose of OSHA’s Lab Standard, Where the OSHA Lab Standard Applies, Regulations That May Apply to Your Lab, Chemical Hygiene Plan, Chemical Hygiene Officer, Employee Information and Training & Medical Consultations.
- Monitoring – Exposure Level Determination
Module 5. Standard Methods of Prevention
- Common Laboratory Safety Practices, Chemical Handling. Glassware Safety, Housekeeping, When Prior Approval is required? Chemical Storage & Particularly Hazardous Chemicals
Module 6. Other Aspects of Safety
- Hazards of Compressed Gases, Biological Hazards, Radiation, Nonionizing Radiation, Laboratory Waste, Electrical Safety, Ergonomics
Module 7. Emergencies
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Determining if Emergency is minor or Major, First Aid Kit, Minor Emergencies & Major Emergencies.
- Calling Emergency Responders
This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of total tuition hours:
- Lectures
- Workshops, work presentations,
- Group Work in case study & Practical Exercises.
- Videos and general discussions
- Pre-Test and Post Test