Fire Crew Command

Course Outline

Day - 1
  • Introduction to Fire Crew Command
  • Importance of effective command and control in firefighting operations
  • Historical perspectives and case studies of successful and unsuccessful command decisions.
  • Show leadership skills that relate to Oil and Gas Industry Fire Service operation.
  • Define the role and responsibility of the Crew Commander within the incident command system.
Day - 2
  • Describe the importance of effective leadership and communication skills that support the Incident Command System
  • Describe the importance of managing crew safety and safety of others.
  • Demonstrate communication skills that effectively support their incident command role.
  • Demonstrate effective command and control of various fire ground scenarios
Day - 3
  • Risk assessment and hazard identification
  • Allocation and deployment of firefighting resources
  • Coordination with mutual aid agencies and other emergency responders
  • Tracking and accountability of personnel and equipment
Day - 4
  • Apply dynamic risk assessments and the appropriate control measures that could be encountered at incidents
  • Apply decision making principles whilst engaged in a command role during emergency scenarios.
  • Communicating with the public and media during emergency incidents
  • Managing public expectations and providing accurate information
  • Addressing crisis communication challenges and strategies for effective messaging
Day - 5
  • Scenario-Based Training and Simulation Exercises
  • Practical exercises simulating real-world fire scenarios
  • Role-playing as incident commanders and crew members
  • Debriefing and feedback sessions to evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement