Environmental Consulting: Tailor made environmental advisory and consulting services based on clients’ requirements and expectations.


Environmental & Social Impact Assessment ESIA): Comprehensive scientific studies to evaluate the environmental and social impacts of the project’s lifecycle.


Environmental & Social Assessment Report (ESAR): Evaluate the environmental and social impacts of the project lifecycle on a limited scale. As per the Kuwaiti Environmental Roles, existing facilities should be assessed before applying any upgrading, modification, or any basic changes. WES has the capabilities to conduct Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) as per Kuwait EPA requirements.

Environmental Management Plan (EMP): Developing environmental management & monitoring plan for various phases of the project.


Environmental Analysis and Measurements: Monitoring service is provided for a wide range of environmental disciplines:

  • Ambient Air Quality (AAQ)
  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
  • Vehicle Exhaust Emissions
  • Spot Measurements (PM, VOC,H2S,VOC)
  • Ambient Noise (AN)
  • Indoor Noise
  • Occupational Noise
  • Soil Quality,
  • Ground water quality
  • Seawater Quality
  • Sediment Quality
  • Light Intensity
  • Air Flow
  • Environmental Compliance Audits: Comprehensive review of the project activities and facilities operations and evaluation against local and international regulations as appropriate.


  • Terrestrial Environmental Baseline Studies: Detailed site surveys and baseline studies to describe and reference the environmental settings of pre-defined terrestrial study area. Baseline studies include ambient air quality, meteorology, indoor air quality, ambient noise, workplace noise, ecology, flora, fauna, rare species and habitat and surrounding social settings.


  • Offshore/Marine Environmental Baseline Studies: Detailed site surveys and baseline studies to describe and reference the environmental settings of pre-defined offshore/marine study area such as coastal areas, intertidal zones and offshore areas. For examples, seawater quality, sediment quality, Benthic fauna, Zoo & Phytoplankton, Seaweed, Coral reef, Fishes, Mammals and Seabirds.


  • Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessment: Comprehensive environmental assessment of the site environmental quality conditions based on ISO and ASTM standards. Develop sampling plans, sampling, testing, assessment and providing remediation recommendations.


  • Numerical Modeling: Use of internationally recognized software and models to simulate the behavior of environmental contaminants during the engineering design phases and operation phases of the project. This includes noise modeling (industrial and roads), hydrodynamic modeling, water quality modeling, geomorphological modeling, hydrological modeling and air dispersion modeling.


  • Soil Characterization: Surface and subsurface soil sampling and testing. Calculation of the impacted soil quantities. Budget construction phases waste management cost.  

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