Atmospheric Residue Desulfurization (ARD), is a well-established hydro treating process, operated primarily to desulfurize atmospheric residues from crude units and to prepare feed stocks for downstream conversion units like Hydrocrackers and Delayed Coker units. Desulphurization is carried out by mixing recycle gas with the high sulfur atmospheric residue and the mixture is passed over a series of catalyst beds (reactors) for removal of metals, nitrogen and sulfur.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
– Refining Engineers.
– Chemical Engineers.
– Technicians.
This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of total tuition hours :
Introduction to Hydro-treating
ARDS Process Fundamentals
ARDS Unit Process Design
ARDS Unit Operation, Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Process Capabilities
Catalyst Management
Start-up, Shutdown, and Troubleshooting