ARC/GIS 2(Advanced)

Course Outline

Day - 1
  • Advanced Spatial Analysis Techniques
  • Geoprocessing Tools and Techniques
    • Introduction to advanced geoprocessing tools for spatial analysis.
    • Practical exercises on buffer analysis, spatial joins, and overlay operations.
  • Network Analysis
    • Understanding network datasets and network analysis concepts.
    • Hands-on exercises on routing, service area analysis, and network optimization.
  • Geostatistics and Spatial Interpolation
    • Introduction to geostatistical analysis techniques.
    • Practical exercises on spatial interpolation methods such as kriging and IDW.
Day - 2
  • Specialized GIS Applications
  • 3D Visualization and Analysis
    • Overview of 3D GIS concepts and data models.
    • Hands-on exercises on 3D visualization, terrain analysis, and 3D modeling.
  • Spatial Modeling and Simulation
    • Introduction to spatial modeling techniques and applications.
    • Practical exercises on agent-based modeling, cellular automata, and Monte Carlo simulations.
  • Customizing GIS Workflows
    • Introduction to scripting and automation in GIS.
    • Hands-on exercises using Python scripting for automating GIS workflows and custom tool development.