Managing and Rehabilitation of Landfill

Course Outline

Day - 1
  • Managing Landfills
  • Introduction to Landfill Management
    • Overview of landfill operations and challenges.
    • Importance of proper landfill management for environmental protection.
  • Landfill Design and Construction
    • Principles of landfill design: liners, leachate collection systems, and cover systems.
    • Construction techniques and considerations for landfill infrastructure.
  • Waste Handling and Disposal
    • Methods for waste compaction, placement, and cover.
    • Best practices for minimizing waste volume and controlling odors.
Day - 2
  • Environmental Monitoring and Rehabilitation
  • Environmental Monitoring
    • Importance of environmental monitoring in landfill management.
    • Monitoring parameters: groundwater quality, air emissions, and landfill gas.
  • Landfill Rehabilitation
    • Strategies for landfill closure and post-closure care.
    • Techniques for landfill site remediation and restoration.
  • Case Studies and Best Practices
    • Review of successful landfill management and rehabilitation projects.
    • Lessons learned and best practices for sustainable landfill management.