Handling HAZMAT Accidents Involving Flammable & Compressed Gasses Including LPG

Course Outline

Day - 1
  • Introduction to Flammable Gases
  • Definition and classification of flammable gases
  • Characteristics and properties of flammable gases
  • Hazards associated with flammable gas incidents
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  • Overview of LPG: composition, properties, and uses
  • Storage and handling requirements for LPG
  • Hazards and risks associated with LPG incidents
  • Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation
  • Assessing risks during HazMat incidents involving flammable gases and LPG
  • Containment and isolation strategies for flammable gas leaks and LPG spills
  • Evacuation procedures and emergency response planning
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Firefighting Equipment
  • Selection and use of appropriate PPE for incidents involving flammable gases and LPG
  • Overview of firefighting equipment and techniques for gas fires
  • Hands-on training with PPE and firefighting equipment
Day - 2
  • Responding to HazMat Incidents with Compressed Gases.
  • Introduction to Compressed Gases
  • Definition and classification of compressed gases
  • Characteristics and properties of compressed gases
  • Hazards associated with incidents involving compressed gases
  • Handling and Storage of Compressed Gases
  • Proper handling and storage practices for compressed gases
  • Risks and precautions associated with handling compressed gas cylinders
  • Emergency response procedures for cylinder leaks and rupture
  • Spill Control and Containment
  • Spill control measures for incidents involving compressed gases
  • Containment strategies to prevent gas release and minimize environmental impact
  • Methods for safely transferring and disposing of compressed gases
  • Practical Exercises and Simulations
  • Hands-on simulations of HazMat incidents involving flammable and compressed gases
  • Practice scenarios include gas leaks, spills, fires, and emergency response procedures
  • Debriefing and discussion of lessons learned from simulation exercises.